La fonderie et Piwi

Par : piwi
mercredi 13 Jan, 2016
Catégorie : Qui est qui

Linkedin : Jean-Bruno Delrue, esff 93

, an O&M subsidiary of VINCI Concessions, responsible for South Europe Atlantic High Speed Rail P3 project. Previously Chief Engineer of the second busiest commuter line in Paris (RER C), he has also been in charge of the SNCF Infrastructure Division’s International Development, for infrastructure engineering and maintenance proposals for several major projects in the United States, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Russia. He has also been in charge of developing partnerships with investment funds, P3 owners and other rail infrastructure operators. He has conducted a wide range of technical analyses and supplier audits, and he is skilled in change management and in complex systems organization optimization. Mr. Delrue supplements his technical skills and abilities with extensive knowledge of business subjects such as finance, strategic analysis, human resources, management and law.

Specialties: Railway Infrastructure Maintenance & Engineering (High Speed Rail, TGV) – Foundry, Metal Casting – Quality System Implementation

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1 commentaire pour : "Linkedin : Jean-Bruno Delrue, esff 93"

  1. Brétigny : le « Canard enchaîné » accuse la SNCF d’avoir manipulé l’enquête

    D’après l’hebdomadaire, les témoins interrogés par la justice sur l’accident ferroviaire étaient « briefés » par le service juridique de la SNCF avant leur audition.
    M. Delrue est donc épinglé par le Canard

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