La fonderie et Piwi

Par : Mourad
lundi 24 Juin, 2024

La recherche avance pour la réduction de CO2 sur la production du Silicium ( ELKEM )

(information LinkedIn )

Elkem to pilot CO2-free silicon production

We are researching a groundbreaking new concept for silicon production, which aims to eliminate nearly all direct CO2 emissions. The concept, named Sicalo, involves capturing and recycling carbon in the process off gas and reusing it in the production process. Enova SF has granted Elkem 31 million NOK for a medium scale pilot, to be carried out in Kristiansand, Norway.

Elkem’s ongoing research, in collaboration with SINTEF Industri and NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, previously received 16 MNOK in funding from Norges forskningsråd (The Research Council of Norway)

There is still significant research needed before we can see this as a viable solution in full scale, but preliminary results are promising, and we are proud to have world class researchers and pilot facilities for working on these possible future technologies for the silicon industry, says Elkem CEO Helge Aasen.


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