La fonderie et Piwi

Par : piwi
lundi 27 Mar, 2023
Catégorie : AAESFF

Help for the areas destroyed by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria Updated March 21

Lionel ALVES -Représentant national et membre du comité d’administration WFO +33

The WFO Proud to represent foundries in Australia, Belarus, Bosnia Herzegovina, Switzerland, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia,

One month after two earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş devastated both Turkey and Syria, the official death toll has now passed 58,000, with 50,096 confirmed fatalities in Turkey and 8,476 in Syria. Despite the days that have passed, the recovery effort will take a long time and international assistance and cooperation are still very important.
The Board of Directors of our WFO member association TÜDÖKSAD reached right after the disaster a decision to start a campaign to provide sets of mobile kitchens and ovens to the affected zone. Subsequently, they launched this action with the support of their members in order to help those people in need. In this context, 2 sets of mobile kitchens and mobile ovens were established in two different cities and giving service to people at the moment. TÜDÖKSAD has continued the campaign to cover the needs of that area and has worked for providing mobile toilet sets.
On behalf of the WFO we would like to encourage those of you interested in helping our colleagues in TÜDÖKSAD to strengthen these efforts, for which you could use the bank account details highlighted below:
Account name: Turkiye Dokum Sanayicileri Dernegi
IBAN: TR85 0006 2000 3470 0009 0615 24 (EURO)
Branch code: 347 ESENTEPE (Garanti Bankasi)
Account number: 9061524
Address: Gayrettepe Mah. Yildiz Posta Cad. No: 52b Besiktas, Istanbul
Swift code: TGBATRIS347
In the hope that the affected countries will recover from this disaster as soon as possible, our heart and prayers remain with the affected people.
Yours faithfully,
José Javier González
General Secretary

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