La fonderie et Piwi

Par : piwi
vendredi 06 Avr, 2012
Catégorie : Economie

C’est en anglais, mais au moins le fondeur affiche des prix…

… et des explications à voir sur le lien ci-dessous.

Dandong Foundry is a professional Iron Foundry located in Dandong City of Liaoning, China. We have over 50 years experiences in Iron Casting, Steel Casting and Machining Fields.

Our products include Gray Iron, Ductile Iron and Steel Castings for Stoves, Boilers, Tractors, Trucks, Pumps, Valves, Pipe Fittings, Manholes and Tugboats etc.

The annual production of our foundry can reach 10,000 tons and 70% have been exported to USA, UK, Canada, Germany, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Indonesia and Japan.

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