La fonderie et Piwi

Par : piwi
mardi 17 Jan, 2017


Continuously seeking to consolidate its Number 1 position worldwide, LE CREUSET bought a new moulding line from DISA in 2003, thereby going head-to-head with the important challenge of wanting to increase productivity and capacity, while just as innately focusing on quality, accuracy and repeatability. The investment paid off and only a couple of years later, another DISA machine was installed, and additional high-quality castings continue to be produced.

On-going expansion and development

LE CREUSET Artisan As such, DISA is proud to represent part of the on-going expansion and development of LE CREUSET, whose handmade qualities in cookware remain unchanged to this day, because – in spite of a highly modernized production, the company still manufactures its cast irons in the original foundry, and each piece still passes through the hands of 15 skilled artisans.

Worldwide leadership built on strength, accuracy, quality and capacity

“As our foundry supplier and partner, DISA remains an important factor in our constant strive for quality. DISA fits our needs as regards types of castings, a production mass requiring high speed and robustness, and overall quality of moulding equipment.” Mr. Patrick Jacob, General Manager, LE CREUSET Industrie


From horizontal to vertical moulding

“Prior to acquiring DISA, we operated horizontal flask lines. Therefore, familiarizing ourselves with DISA also meant familiarizing ourselves with vertical moulding technology. We felt convinced, however, that this type of modernization would be a necessary step in an increasingly fierce and competitive environment within our industry”, Frédéric Salle explains the shift towards DISAMATIC.


Objectives completed The DISA technology and equipment employed at LE CREUSET include a DISA 230-X and a DISA 231-X FAST – now known as the DISAMATIC D3 series.

“This particular series is well-reputed to be the ultimate choice for high volume, flaskless vertical production of quality castings, and our expectations as regards production rates and moulding quality have been met”.

“Additionally, our TOPS contract – or more specifically matters having to do with service and spare parts – works well and according to plan”, Patrick Jacob sums up the on-going partnership with DISA.


Strength, accuracy, quality and capacity

“Although we have had some technical support issues – and still experience what we consider to be occasional delays in response time – our overall impression is that the robustness, accuracy and reliability of the DISA equipment is what has increased our foundry capacity”, Patrick Jacob continues, before concluding:

“Obviously, new project investments will be closely linked to DISA mastering the same level of technical service and expertise as we came to know at the beginning of our partnership. However, as the key words we put onto the DISA brand continue to be ‘strength, accuracy, quality and capacity’, we are currently considering replacing our older machine as well as adapting new enhancements on our current equipment”.


A recipe for success

LE CREUSET is recognized the world over for market-leading, premium quality ranges of enamelled cast iron cookware, multi-ply stainless steel, toughened non-stick and stoneware as well as an outstanding range of wine accessories.

Today – with innovation still at the forefront of its success – LE CREUSET is sold in more than 60 countries and is used by leading chefs and keen cooks around the globe.

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