La fonderie et Piwi

Par : Nicolas
mercredi 13 Juil, 2022
Catégorie : Actu flash

On the journey to CO2-neutral production: Kovis replaces cupola furnace with induction furnace from ABP

Way to decarbonization as a convincing factor in successful changeover

A new era is beginning at the traditional foundry Kovis in Slovenia: The specialist for the production of castings made of gray and nodular iron has switched melting operations from conventionally heated cupola furnaces to CO2-neutral medium-frequency induction furnaces from ABP. « Good ideas create the future » is Kovis’ slogan, which the company has once again succeeded in demonstrating with this conversion. As a technology leader, ABP Induction is playing a decisive role in this megatrend in the foundry industry: With the IFM series, it boasts high-performance induction melting furnaces with state-of-the-art process control for demanding foundries worldwide in its portfolio. Kovis has made use of this: The plant is already in reliable day-to-day operation.

Kovis in Slovenia is a well-known player for its combination of tradition and continuous development in the production of castings. Development and innovation open up entirely new business opportunities for Kovis, and so the switch from the cupola furnace to the promising induction technology was a logical step when the foundry was due for modernization in 2019: Furnace system, molding system, sand preparation and many other components were to be replaced. In doing so, Kovis is also taking into account the challenges involved in environmentally friendly production: In 2050, the European Union wants to be CO2 neutral. Many industries are feeling the pressure to take action to decarbonize. Given the long amortization periods for capital goods in many industrial sectors, this already affects today’s budgets. A key field in this context is the switch to low-CO2 and, in the long term, climate-neutral production technologies in the metal processing sector – as it still accounts for a dominant share of CO2 emissions in industry today. The increase in process and material efficiency as well as induction melting offer great ecological and economic potential. Kovis and ABP are consolidating all of this here, and in this respect the changeover at Kovis from cupola furnace technology to CO2-neutral production with induction furnace technology is not only a logical step, but the investment was also a far-sighted one.

« Our primary goal in switching to a different type of furnace was to increase the capacity and productivity of our foundry by 80 percent, » explains Anže Tekavčič, production manager at Kovis, « in addition, the environmental factor was also…

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1 commentaire pour : "On the journey to CO2-neutral production: Kovis replaces cupola furnace with induction furnace from ABP"

  1. Pour ce projet, KOVIS a retenu JML pour la fourniture des 2 chargeuses de four ainsi que le stand d’additions avec préparation des additifs en automatique.

    PIWI : bravo

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